
1 Definition found.

Morphosyntactic classification

Embelezam é um Verbo, presente do indicativo 3a pessoa plural de embelezar;

Flexão de embelezar.
1. Tornam belo; ornamentam, enfeitam.
2. Atraem ou sentem-se atraído, arrebatam; enlevam, encantam, extasiam.

Ex1. Eles embelezam o local.
Ex2. As músicas os embelezam.

Other informations about Embelezam:

Words with 9 Letters
The Word Embelezam has 9 Letters
The Word Embelezam has 4 vowels - e e e a
The Word Embelezam has 5 consonants - mb l z m
The Word Embelezam inverted: Mazelebme
Reverse Search Onomasiological by Embelezam
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